Global Vision Media Site

The case for “Supersizing” L&D Teams

If 2020 taught us anything (and, well, it has had a few lessons)… is to invest in future-ready, tech-savvy Learning and development teams. The pandemic forced many of us to dust off old-school methodologies and catapult swiftly into fresh new learning paradigms including, but not limited to transitioning to digital training. Never has there been […]

Finding the perfect Learning Platform

Examining how we Buy Learning technology Currently, about a third of organizations across Australia have indicated in one form or another that they are dissatisfied with their learning platform. This is a staggering statistic and begs the question: Should we re-evaluate our strategies when it comes to the procurement of new Learning Platforms? Deloitte conducted […]

Learning Cultures – an accountant’s view

Deloitte Global’s 2019 survey of Human Capital Trends was pretty stark – 86% of respondents believe that in the face of rapid change in the workplace, they must reinvent their ability to learn. However only 50% of those respondents reported that their L&D department was evolving rapidly and 14% said it was too slow. Just […]

Instilled LXP launches in Australia

Last week I foreshadowed the launch of to the Instilled LXP in Australia. Later I had the privilege of hosting that launch and wanted to share a recording of the event. Instilled is a foretaste of the way eLearning is heading – a democratised, crowd-sourced way to have staff share knowledge in seconds and supported […]

LXP – rethinking online learning

This week I had the pleasure of launching an entirely new eLearning concept – the Instilled Learning Experience Platform (LXP). It really was not until I first saw the Instilled LXP in June this year that I realised just how dated our entire eLearning approach has become. To understand LXPs, it’s important to remember that […]
