Global Vision Media Site

GVM are proud that we were selected by the local government sector as a preferred supplier largely because we were keen to work hand in hand with the sector to respond to its needs, allow it to help us develop our materials and choose topics and directions for us to take so that we could deliver a truly Local Government solution. That’s why we seek to learn first hand from the sector how we can serve it better.’

In all the years of our experience working with local councils across Australia, the most powerful tool that has helped us drive change and innovation, is Local Councils’ openness to collaboration. Councils have always been open to working together to develop solutions that would benefit the sector.

In fact, when LGPro  approached us many years ago to develop a very specific offering of eLearning content and a Learning Management System to cater to Australian Local Government, we witnessed firsthand, the transformative power of collective feedback from across the sector enabling councils to speak out about a whole range of issues that they both favoured, or wished to change.

To keep that collaborative spirit alive, we at Global Vision have embarked on a national project which will produce periodic reports titled: “LG National eLearning Report” created for the sector, by the sector.

The report will present extrapolated data that has been mined from surveys conducted with Local Councils from all over the country. These surveys will address important issues such as:

  • What are the organisational concerns for Councils right now from a Learning and Development perspective?
  • What are the most pressing priorities when it comes to topics for future learning content?
  • For councils using Learning Management systems, what are the most important system requirements? (Which features are they actually using)?
  • What organisational requirements are their systems not successfully addressing?

The accumulative result of this data set will potentially become a vital document that will influence future decision making across all levels of Local Government.

As a part of this initiative you’re hereby welcome to participate.

As a valued respondent, we will send you a free copy of this report which will enable you to truly keep your finger on the pulse of the entire sector.

Click here to participate and receive your free report.
